Astronomical Society

About Us

We are a group of amateur astronomers working together to improve our astronomical knowledge and observational skills. Some members are scientists or engineers, while others are artists or craftspeople, building contractors or college students. We span ability levels from novice to expert and use ourselves and our instruments to promote a public interest in astronomy.

Our monthly meetings are usually held at the Collier CountyGovernment Center at the corner of Orange Blossom and Airport Road in Naples, Florida every second Tuesday of the month. There, members and guest speakers present lectures and demonstrations on astronomical topics. Members can also discuss equipment, observing techniques, recent observations, upcoming celestial events, and arrange to borrow telescopes for their own observing. Notice! Due to the pandemic, meetings can be joined via Zoom if you prefer. Links to the meeting may be found in the newsletter published a couple of days before the meeting.

We also host observing sessions for all members and invited guests at a dark-sky site 30 miles east of Naples. If you're thinking of buying a telescope or binoculars, get advice from experienced stargazers at these events and try out a variety of equipment.

We also produce a monthly newsletter containing articles on interesting astronomical topics. And be sure to take a look at some of our members' photos and articles.

Check out our calendar for details!